Adding an anti-spam filter for MochaHost in Gmail

In order to prevent the messages from MochaHost to go to your Gmail's spam folder, please follow these steps to create a filter which will resolve this issue:

  1. Log into your Gmail account.

  2. Select "Settings" from the menu by clicking on the Options icon, located on the top right corner below your username.

  3. Select the "Filters" tab from the settings menu and click on "Create a new filter"

  4. In the empty field "From", type in the domain name -, then click on "Create filter with this search »".

  5. Mark the option "Never send it to Spam" and finalize the filter by clicking on the "Create filter" button.

When adding a domain name as in the filters, this filter will apply to all email addresses associated with that domain.

Please allow up to 5 minutes for the changes to take effect and the emails you receive from us shouldn't arrive in your Spam folder.