Free Migration of your account from another web hosting provider (cPanel)

If you currently have a Web Hosting account with another web hosting provider and are using cPanel control panel (the chance that you currently have cPanel is 99%, but double check with your old provider if not certain) we can easily migrate your account over to us via the following 3 easy steps:

  1. Perform a Full cPanel backup from your old hosting provider cPanel control panel. This is done by going to the Backups section in cPanel and then using 'Full Backup' option. If you can't do this through your current cPanel, contact your old/current provider technical support and request that they provide you with 'full cPanel backup of your account.

  2. Once you obtain your account 'full cPanel backup' file from your current hosting provider, upload this backup in your new MochaHost account. Please check your account Welcome email received form us, and use the provided FTP or cPanel control panel File manager to upload your backup to your web hosting account with us

  3. Once the backup is uploaded to your account with us, contact our support and let us know on the exact cPanel backup file which you want to be restored (and in which folder you have uploaded the backup.