How to change my DNS servers (for domains registered with MochaHost) ?

If you have a domain name which has been registered with us (or transferred successfully to us) and for which you need to change the DNS servers please, follow the procedure below:

  1. Login to our billing and support system with your registered email and password at:

  2. Click on "Domains" from the top bar menu and then you will see a list of your domain names

  3. Click on the wrench icon next to the domain name which you'd like to update

  4. On the left site of the screen under the box "Manage", you will see the available options, click on "DNS management"

  5. Type in the desired DNS servers which you'd like to use for your domain name registered with us.

Once you make the change it may take 24-48 hours for the DNS change to propagate throughout the internet completely.

To be able to see the change on your end quicker please, review the two following articles:

NOTE: If you have registered new domain names (or transferred domains to us) which you want to point to your hosting account with us - you will need to use the DNS servers provided in your Welcome email.

NOTE: If you were waiting for the completion of a domain transfer, which now has been completed and your domain transfer status shows "Transferred and paid successfully" - you need to go through the above procedure in order to point your domain name and start using it with our service. By default after a successful domain transfer, the old DNS servers info gets preserved, so that the process allow for more control and minimized downtime for any active domain names.