Remote MySQL - ""SHOW DATABASES"" permission

The access to our Linux Shared & Reseller servers - MySQL database is restricted and does not allow for the execution of the "SHOW DATABASES" command.

If you need to remotely access your MySQL and you are using a Linux Shared account - you can still do so however you will not be able to use the above command. The restriction is applied in order to improve the overall performance of our MySQL servers as well improve the uptime and server security.

The provided in the actual cPanel control panel database management tools (phpmyadmin) provide complete management functionality over your databases.

If you decide to use tools outside of our cPanel for remote management of your MySQL like phpmyadmin - the tool by itself uses "SHOW DATABASES" when connecting to your database, which will not work.

As an alternative you can modify the file in your phpmyadmin and add the following two lines (which is not guaranteed to work and is a workaround):

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['DisableIS'] = true; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['ShowDatabasesCommand'] = "SHOW DATABASES LIKE '#user#\\_%'" ;

If you must have remote access to your MySQL with full privileges we recommend that you consider obtaining a VPS server or Dedicated Cloud server.

For information on these solutions please, review:

  1. VPS packages -

  2. Dedicated Cloud servers -


For more information and further assistance please, contact our support.