NGASI AppServer Manager

NGASI AppServer Manager - automates multiple installations and configurations for Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, and WildFly on a single server machine, across multiple VPS, and across multiple servers. It enables central management of application server assets and resources spread across the enterprise. And for Web Hosts, it enables Private JVM JAVA Hosting.

For end users it allows them to install and configure just about any standard JAVA Application.

Also each user is able to restart the JAVA JVM at any time.

Create User:

  1. Click the "Create User" to create User Accounts.

  2. Select a User in the Select-box.

  3. Then click the "Add" button.

The Users listed in the Select-box are derived from the installed Control Panel

Once the User Account is Added, the User should appear in the "User List". The User Login and management is detailed in the Users section.

As the Reseller, you can login directly to the User Account by clicking on the corresponding icon in the "User List"

Edit User:

  1. Select an Accounts in the "User List".

  2. Then Click the "Edit User" button to edit the selected User Account. After making the appropriate changes, click the "Save" button.

Delete User:

  1. Select one or more Accounts in the "User List".

  2. Then Click the "Delete User" button to delete the selected User Accounts.

Note: Deleting a User will automatically Delete any applications deployed by the User


By default, applications are deployed under an Application Server running as ngasirun system user.

To enable the application to be deployed under the web account user's HTTP directory and to also enable FTP access to the application directory, then the root system user (system under Windows) would need to be used to run the applications. If the Application Server system user is other than root (or system on Windows), then FTP access is disabled.

Deploy New Application:

  1. Click the "Deploy New" button to Upload a new Application Archive for deployment.

  2. Fill out any necessary information then click "Continue" to proceed. Once successfully deployed, an Icon symbolizing the deployed application will be added to the Canvas display.

Deploy From List:

NGASI Shared-Runtime Manager enables you to redeploy an Application that has already been uploaded, so you do not have to re-upload the same application each and every time.

  1. Click the "Deploy from list" button.

  2. Drag-and-drop desired Application from the Application Factory list to the Canvas. Click the "YES" button to proceed.

Delete Deployed Application:

To delete a deployed application, click on the icon, in the Canvas, of desired Application. Then click the "Delete" button.

File Privileges:

For FTP access to the deployed Application, file privileges may need to be reset.

Click on the icon, in the Canvas, of desired Application. Then click the "File Privileges" button.

Delete Application Archive:

Use this option to remove an Uploaded Application Archive from the Application Factory. Click the "Deploy from list" button. Drag-and-drop desired Application from the Application Factory list to the "Delete" button. Click "Continue" to proceed.


Even though Applications are deployed in a Shared Runtime environment, NGASI Shared-Runtime Manager, allows per application configuration of DataSource, MailSession, and Realms; thus enabling support for many standard based application frameworks like Spring and Struts.

Databases and DataSources:

During the process of adding and application to the repository, a DataSource, for the application may be defined. And at deployment, NGASI is able to automatically configure the DataSource for the application.


During the process of adding and application to the repository, a Mail Session Object, for the application may be defined. And at deployment, NGASI is able to automatically configure the Mail Session Object for the application.


If more than 1 Application Server is available to your account, you may change the Application Server or other aspects of your setup by following the steps below.

Click the "Configuration" button in the Left Menu. Make appropriate changes. Then click the "Update" button to proceed.


Sometimes you may have a need to Restart the Application Server. Click the "Restart" button in the Left Menu to do so.