Blocking/Unblocking an IP address/domain via cPanel

If someone is using a lot of your bandwidth, posting malicious content, or should not be allowed to access your site for another reason, you can prevent them from doing so with the IP Deny Manager (IP Blocker).

To block an IP address/domain, you have to use the IP Deny Manager (IP Blocker) in your cPanel account. You can follow these steps:

  1. In the Security section of the cPanel home screen, click IP Deny Manager.
  2. In the IP Address or Domain text box, type the IP address or domain that you want to block.
  3. Click Add.

If you no longer wish to deny access from a specific IP address, you can unblock an IP address or domain that you have blocked previously with IP Deny Manager(IP Blocker).

To unblock an IP address or domain in the IP Deny Manager, follow these steps:

  1. In the Security section of the cPanel home screen, click IP Deny Manager.
  2. Locate the IP address that you want to unblock, and then click the red X icon(Delete).
  3. Click Remove IP to confirm.